1 Comment
Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022

Thanks Eric. I saw this on DearSA made available by Jane.

I fully agree with what you are saying, however the "system" that was forced on us by the British controllers of the "Crown" remains the problem.

What I see is that it is the very problem we face that corporations think they are the law and that is the cooperate controlled "statutory legal system" is used to enforce political policies under maritime law or commercial trading legalese which is the mercantilist philosophy. This was introduced by the British Parliamentary Westminster system who favoured the mercantilist philosophy of ruling the waves and trade routes for the privileged or silver-spooners who are supporters of the Royalty and Crown.

The sooner we get a change made to the "Majority Parliamentary Party Politically Controlled System" is converted back to individually appointed representative system where common law i.e., GOD's law the law of the land is returned to its natural superior position the better.

Then it returns to "jury by peers at trial" and not the BAR system of politically manipulated and malleable judges and lawyers. Power has been usurped by Corporations who fund the current "System" and that distorts and enable corruption of the so-called separation of powers by using Legal Plunder.

We need to get rid of the peer systems like “separation of powers” that guarantee some form of superiority and protection that is given to “Groups” like traditional leaders which is tribal and communal and allows the “Kings and Queens” or monarchs and a privileged class to feed of and also simultaneously control working people.

This “Group” privileged people are supported by the clerisy class or intellectual elite who willingly support these monarchs and a privileged in return that they too are allowed to live in luxury and get handsomely rewarded for their loyalty. This the quid pro quo mentality class. So-called Democracy is sold under this guise.

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